book explains Gandhi's childhood in which appears his mother, his
father and his brothers. Similarly, the fights seem are not real but
in the film they are very so stunning. In the movie when he
fasted is very hard because we see him very ill. Raquel
think the movie is the best because I don't have to read and I can
understand more things and the movie explains the things better. At
the same time I think the book is shorter than movie which takes 2
hours and however the book you can read in 30 minutes. Marina
my opinion the book is better because of different reasons. First,
the film is too long and the book is shoter, another reason could be
that the book starts when Gandhi is a child and you can understant
the story better. The last reason isthat the film is old amb the book
is new. Finally there are a lot of pictures and you can comprehend
more easily. Elsa